Low Histamine Diet - Interview with the developer of a fantastic app

Did you have any prior development or coding experience?

Yes. But in the case of this app, I focused on the overall design and approach, and our team in Italy did the actual coding and development.

What was the most challenging aspect of developing mobile app?

The most challenging aspects of such apps are the scientific research on the subject matter, and the sophisticated algorithms or AI technology that can digest, aggregate and summarize all such research and findings, and transform them into actionable guidance for the end-users.

Mory Bahar is the CEO of Personal Remedies, a high-tech executive & entrepreneur, Food-is-Med guy! His interests include nutrition, fitness, healthcare, nature, people, travel, food & wine!

Name a few of your favorite apps and reason you love them.

We have 41 mobile apps in our Choose This Not That (CTNT) series of apps. Our Low Histamine Diet app is one of our top-selling apps. My other favorite CTNT apps are focused on Interstitial Cystitis (aka Painful Bladder Syndrome) and CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease).

How long have you been working on this app?

We have been working on the research and AI technology behind our CTNT series of apps for over ten years. But the LHD app was released in Dec. 2018.

What need of the user did you have in mind when developing this app?

Many people suffer from intolerance or sensitivity to histamine and look for dietary choices that minimize their reaction, and improve their ability to cope with their symptoms. This app is designed to address that need and more!

In what way do you think your app is better than similar apps on the market? Please describe in detail what innovation you think you bring and what you are proud of in your app.

Our app is superior to other options available to the consumers in two important ways:
1) It includes a much larger list of food items than various other available lists; and,
2) it provides comprehensive guidance for improving one’s immune system, and numerous common comorbidities or health complications that other apps and resources fail to address.

What are your future plans and expected features of the coming new versions of this app?

To continue to update the guidelines provided by the app as further research and science related to histamine, immune system well-being and various comorbidities become available.

Assuming new users of your app are reading this page. What do you want to ask them to do (contact you about X, Share the app, etc.)?

Follow the suggestions and guidance provided for strengthening your immune system which is a more effective long term solution towards a healthier you! And recommend the app to those friends and family members who suffer from the same issue.

Low Histamine Diet

About App:

Choose This Not That for Low Histamine Diet (LHD). Inside this colorful app, you will find easy to follow suggestions on how to improve your health through nutrition and the food choices you make every day. This app provides comprehensive and actionable nutrition guidelines for how to follow a Low Histamine Diet to avoid and better deal with your undesirable symptoms and intolerance. If you rather tackle health issues and risks through proper nutrition and lifestyle changes then this app is for you!

Categories: Medical

Date: March 11, 2020

Developer: Mory Bahar - President/CEO Personal Remedies LLC.

About developer: Mory Bahar is the CEO of Personal Remedies, a high-tech executive & entr ... Read more

Website: http://www.personalremedies.com/


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